Military Housing in Massachusetts

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Homes - Coast Guard Base Boston

Coast Guard Base Boston is an ashore Sector that is part of the U.S. Coast Guard's First District. Sector Boston is home to 21 Coast Guard Commands with over 900 active duty members. Coast Guard personnel throughout the sector help to provide Maritime Safety, Homeland Security, National Defense, and Environmental protection in their area of operations.

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Homes - Coast Guard Woods Hole

United States Coast Guard Station Woods Hole is part of Sector Southeastern New England, one of the most unique Sectors in the Coast Guard established in 2006 by the joining of Group Woods Hole and Marine Safety Office Providence, RI. There are two different offices personnel stationed there work out of, the Woods Hole campus which is located at the Southwest Coast of Cape Cod, and the Providence office which is located in East Providence in Rhode Island.

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Homes - Fort Devens

Fort Devens is funded by the Army Reserve and operates under the Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Northeast Region as a subordinate installation of Fort Dix. The mission at Fort Devens is to provide training facilities and training support to enhance the readiness of reserve component units within the six New England states.

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Homes - Hanscom AFB

Hanscom Air Force Base is unique; it does not host Air Force Flying activities, rather, its mission is to support research, development and acquisition of electronic command and control systems. Hanscom has no runways; it uses the runways of Hanscom Field, a civilian airport adjacent to the base. The base is the headquarters of the Electronic Systems Center (ESC), one of the product centers of the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) and the host unit there is the Air Force's 66th Air Base Wing.

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Homes - Joint Base Cape Cod

Joint Base Cape Cod, formerly known as the Massachusetts Military Reservation, is a full scale, joint-use base which is home to four military commands training for missions at home and overseas. Commands consist of AF 6th Space Warning Squadron, USCG Air Station Cape Cod, Camp Edwards Army National Guard, and the 102nd Intelligence Wing Air National Guard at Otis Air National Guard Base.

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Homes - Natick Soldier Systems Command

The U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center (SSC) is a military research complex and installation in Natick, MA charged by the U.S. Department of Defense with the research and development (including fielding and sustainment) of food, clothing, shelters, airdrop systems, and other servicemember support items for the U.S. military. Located there is the U.S.Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center, otherwise known as "Natick Labs". Facilities from all the services are at the SSC.

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Homes - Westover Air Reserve Base

Westover Air Reserve Base is an Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) airport located in the Massachusetts communities of Chicopee and Ludlow, near the city of Springfield. Westover hosts the largest Air Reserve Base in the world and is a backup landing site for the NASA Space Shuttle. In the past few years, the base has expanded to include a growing civilian access airport sharing Westover's military-maintained runways.
