Whether you’re acting as a landlord yourself or utilizing a property manager, it’s important to understand the responsibilities and requirements involved in managing a property. Learn how to prepare for new tenants and manage a property from a distance and find useful information about the military clause and communication with your tenants. Don't miss these helpful resources, MilitaryByOwner’s Landlord/Tenant Ebook. property management blog posts, and videos.
Owner to Landlord
BECOMING YOUR OWN PROPERTY MANAGER Accidental or intentional, many things need to be considered from your legal obligation to finding your tenants.
MARKETING YOUR HOME FOR RENT TO MILITARY FAMILIES Get the word out to other military families that your home is available. Take in consideration unique characteristics of a military home shopper.
WHAT LONG DISTANCE LANDLORDS NEED TO KNOW Long distance from your rental home does present challenges. Find out the pros and cons of hiring a property manager to decide what is best for you.
TENANT SCREENING TIPS FOR LANDLORDS Know what to look for and how to acquire the best tenant for your home.
A GUIDE FOR THE UNEXPECTED MILITARY LANDLORD Due to a variety of reasons, whether it's an earlier move or perhaps your home didn't sell, you find yourself becoming a landlord. Get prepared!
RENTING OUT A ROOM IN YOUR HOME Would you share a room in your home help offset your mortgage costs? Homeowners across the U.S. are doing just that! They are opening their property to tenants to help pay bills or pay down their mortgage more quickly.
Landlord Basics
7 COMMON ISSUES NEW LANDLORDS FACE...AND HOW TO TACKLE THEM! Real estate can be one of the best ways to build wealth, but are you ready to be a landlord? Understand your responsibilities and the legalities of transitioning your primary residence into a rental property.
COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS FOR TENANTS AND LANDLORDS Prevention is the best medicine. Don't get to the break-up point with your tenant!
UNDERSTANDING THE MILITARY CLAUSE The military clause is used to simplify unique housing circumstances. What's the difference between SCRA and the Military Clause?
HOW TO PREPARE FOR NEW TENANTS Keep this handy checklist to prepare and stay organized for your new tenants.
WHAT HOMEOWNERS AND LANDLORDS SHOULD UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE FAIR HOUSING ACT As a landlord, it's important for you to understand the Fair Housing Act, which is federally mandated to protect buyers and renters from discriminatory practices during real estate transactions, including securing financing.
SHOULD YOU ALLOW PETS IN YOUR RENTAL PROPERTY As a landlord, the first reaction might be a strong NO. But did you know that 72% of renters are also pet owners?
TIPS FOR MANAGING YOUR RENTAL PROPERTY'S FINANCES Whether you have one rental property or a few, self-manage or have a property manager, at the heart of every successful rental venture is effectively managing the finances for your property. If the thought of finances seems a bit overwhelming, here are a few tips guaranteed to get you on the right track!
Hiring a Property Manager
WHAT YOU NEED ABOUT HIRING A PROPERTY MANAGER If you know your priorities and budget, the right property manager could take your rental business from surviving to thriving.
CRUNCHING THE NUMBERS, SELF-MANAGEMENT VS HIRING A PROPERTY MANAGER Understanding what a property manager does can help when deciding on hiring one.
Click images below to learn more about Property Management

This e-book will guide you through some of the common landlord/tenant issues you'll face, including:
-Communication solutions
-Pet policy
-What is a military clause?
-Positive traits renters are looking for
-What legal forms you'll need
...and much more!
Rental property involves many important legal matters whether you are a landlord or a tenant. We provide all types of landlord-tenant forms for both commercial and residential use, including lease applications, agreements, termination forms, notices and much more. Requirements vary state-to-state, so all of our professionally drafted forms are state-specific when necessary.