Dugway Proving Ground Housing

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Dugway Proving Ground

Dugway Proving Ground Website:

Dugway Proving Ground


Dugway Proving Ground Housing:

Government Family Housing - Key and essential military personnel are required to live on post. There are 490 available housing units, ranging from 2 bedroom to 6 bedroom homes. Call Dugway Proving Ground Army Family Housing for more details: (435) 831-3541

House Hunting:

Homes for sale and houses for rent Dugway Proving Ground – Dugway Proving Ground Homes

Arrival Lodging:

Base lodging and local hotels for initial lodging needs – Dugway Proving Ground Lodging

Base Location:

The Dugway Proving Ground is located approximately 85 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah in southern Tooele County.  It is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges, and the terrain varies from level salt flats to scattered sand dunes and rugged mountains.

Base Address:

Doolittle Ave
Dugway Proving Grounds , 84022-5000
