Video Tips to Stay Safe During PCS Travel

Tips to Stay Safe During PCS Travel

If you and your family are getting ready to hit the road to your next duty-station there are a few safety tips you should keep in mind. You may have all the details worked out for leaving your current home and arriving at the next but you shouldn’t overlook the challenges of the journey to your new home. 

Here are 3 tips to keep you safe on the journey to your new home. 

Service your car. Take your car into a reputable mechanic for an oil change, tire rotation, and check all the fluids to avoid having a break-down on the road. 

Purchase a car emergency kit. In case there are unexpected difficulties a kit will keep you safe if you’re stuck on the side of the road. An emergency kit should include flares, reflective triangles  jumper cables, flashlight, jack and more. 

Stay mindful of the weather. Weather changes frequently so be sure to listen to the radio for updates so you can be aware of any severe weather changes. 

Keep your doors and windows locked. This also includes keeping your valuables out of sight. There is no need to tempt burglars even if you are only stopping for a minute. 

Follow these 3 tips and have a safe journey during your PCS to your new home!