How to Search for a Home by School District

Trying to find a home within a specific school boundary? 


1. To search for a home by school district, first select the military base you want to live near, or a city or zip code.

2. This will bring you to the results page with homes listed along the right hand side and stars denoting homes on the map at the left hand side. Select this icon to see more of the map. From here, use this icon to view schools on the map. To see specific school boundaries, left click on any school icon to highlight the boundary and view a snapshot of a particular school. Keep in mind that private schools do not have boundaries, but you will still see where the school is located.

3. Use the tool to narrow your results for easier viewing. You can also zoom in or move the map around to your liking. Our programming is set to show 24 homes at a time, however, when searching by school district, it will be helpful to see as many homes on the map as possible. Here, you can change the display to show 96 homes.

4. You can highlight a school boundary and see what homes are being advertised in that area,and you can take a closer look at any of the homes by selecting View Listing.

5. If you want to see schools in a particular city, enter the city name in the search bar.

6. You will see an outline of the city boundary and can view the schools within that city. Left click on any school icon to highlight that schools boundary and view homes within.

7. One thing to note is that some school districts cover multiple cities. If your search is for a specific city and the school boundary you are looking at extends to other cities, you will miss homes in that school district if they happen to be in a city other than the one you specified. If you are only interested in homes in the specified city, then great! But if you want to see all the homes in a school district that covers more than one city, the best way to conduct your search is to simply search by Base.

8. For more website help, check out our MBO Pro Tips!
